

Macro Express Explorer > Options > Preferences > General > Capture



Macro Express records macros by capturing mouse and keystrokes and saving this information for later playback as a macro.


Before starting the first recording, click on Options > Preferences > General - Capture tab from the Macro Express Pro - Explorer window to define the capture settings as explained below.



Start the capture 

There are two methods for starting a macro recording.


1.Click on the Capture icon or Macro > Capture Macro from the menu
-- This method prompts to assign the macro activation before the recording.

2.Press the System Hot Key of Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X
-- This method prompts to assign the macro activation after the recording.


Stop the capture

There are three ways to stop the recording, depending on which method chosen to start the capture.


1.Press the System Hot Key of Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X

2.If using the Capture icon press the hot key assigned to the macro

3.Right click on the Camera icon in the Notification Area that displays while recording




Default Scope

The Global scope allows for the playback of the macro into any Windows program. The Program/Window scope indicates that the recorded macro will only start in the program or window selected. Or allow the macro to play back in all programs except the ones defined.



Capture Keystrokes

Select this option to record all keystrokes made during the capture process. 


Capture Alt Up and Down for Menus

Some window menus do not always respond to a single press of the Alt key in a macro. This option records the Alt key twice to help ensure proper activation of the menu.


For example, to open the File menu in an application, press Alt + f during the capture. The macro script displays <ALT><ALT>f, even though the Alt key was only pressed once during the capture.



Capture Mouse Relative To

A check placed in this option records all mouse clicks and movements made during the capture process. There are several mouse options to choose from.


Relative to Screen - This option captures all mouse clicks and movements in relation to the cursor's position on the monitor.

Relative to Window - This option captures all mouse clicks and movements in relation to the application window that is open and has focus.


Capture Window Size is only available if the Relative to Window option is selected.
This option remembers the size of the window in which the capture occurs. When the macro plays back, the window is resized, if necessary, to the original size when the recording was made. This helps ensure that the mouse clicks and movements are accurate.


Relative to Last Position - This option captures the mouse clicks or movements based on the last position of the mouse cursor.



Capture Only the Mouse Clicks

Select this option to only capture the mouse clicks, including the position of the mouse click. This option captures the position where the mouse is to click and also the mouse click itself. No other movements of the mouse are recorded.


Unless drawing or recording the mouse dragging an item, it is best to turn on this option. It reduces the size of the macro considerably and makes it much easier to edit if necessary. It also helps improve the playback speed of the macro, since all of the interim mouse move commands and associated delays are eliminated from the macro.





Capture Speed

This option refers to how fast the macro plays back in relation to the recording speed.





Actual Speed

Plays the macro back at the same speed as the macro was recorded. Any hesitations, etc. play back at the same speed as recorded.

Half Speed

Slows down the macro playback to half of the recording speed.

Double Speed

Speeds up the macro playback to twice the actual recording speed.

Quadruple Speed

Speeds up the macro playback to four times the actual recording speed.

Fastest Speed (no delays)

Plays back the macro with no hesitations, delays, etc. Remove the check next to the Capture at a Specific Speed box to eliminate delays from the macro.


Caution: Selecting this option may cause the macro to play back too fast and throw off the timing of the macro.



After the capture is complete, optionally modify the playback speed of the macro in the Script Editor or Direct Editor. Use the Macro Playback Speed command to do this.






Display a Prompt before Capturing

With this option selected, a message is displayed indicating that the capture is starting.