User Submitted Macro

Photoshop & Acrobat Macros

Written by John N. Lamoreaux

What it does

A collection of macros to help Adobe PhotoShop and Acrobat users.

To install

Download the macro file umphotoshop.mex and save it to your hard drive in the folder where you store your macro file(s). Import the macros into your existing macro file by clicking File, Import, Import Macros.

Macros for Photoshop

The macros for PhotoShop will have to be modified by the user, according to the filters or plug-ins installed or the version of PhotoShop.

Move Selection – Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M
When moving an object in PhotoShop using the Arrows, it is moved 1 pixel at a time, the actual distance being affected by the zoom level. This macro moves objects in real-life measurements (metric).

Contact Sheet – Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C
Makes a thumbnail of all opened documents and pastes it into a New Document. Great to make prints for evaluating or archiving purposes. It works better with landscape pictures, though the nudging or resizing may be adjusted at will.

Save file(s)*.* in PS + # – A must for people dealing with extensive collections of graphics and would number their files “theme01”, “theme02″, etc. The macro asks for a model from the user (ex:”theme0”), then reads the last number of the model given (in the last-used folder), writes the info in the registry, then saves the current file with the incremented number.

Change file format – Gives many output options.

Change mode – Is much faster than the plug-in “Conditional Mode Change” via Automate.

Straighten while cropping – A popup menu of 4 macros: gives the possibility to use the Arrows up and down to rotate a picture while cropping it. Gives more control than using the mouse.

Macro for Acrobat

Extract pages from Acrobat – Automatically makes pdf(s) out of every single page or a new pdf from multiple pages.


Written for PhotoShop CS (8) running on Windows XP.