User Submitted Macro

Escape to Close

Written by Alan Cantor, Cantor Access Inc.,

What it does

Macro Express allows you to change the behaviour of applications that do not work as you want or need them to. You can also use Macro Express to create macros to change the behaviour of Macro Express.

This set of macros allow you to close certain Macro Express screens by pressing Esc. For example, one of these macros will allow you to move from the Scripting Editor to the Macro Explorer by pressing Esc.

When necessary, a macro will display a dialog box to confirm changes before saving them.

To install

Download the macro file umesctoclose.mex and save it to your hard drive. Unzip the files and save them in the folder where you store your macro file(s). Import the macros into your existing macro file by clicking File, Import, Import Macros.