User Submitted Macro

Convert Highlighted Text revised

Written by Doug Williams

Based on the macro originally submitted by Al Willen

What it does

This macro takes any highlighted text and gives the end-user the option of converting it to either all lowercase, all uppercase, initial caps (i.e. The first letter of each work is capitalized) or camel case (where words are joined without spaces and the first letter of each word is capitalized).

Al says “Although the macro seems simple, it is the only routine I know that conveniently can make initial caps of any sentence. I use it for movie or CD/DVD titles.”

Doug says “This was a macro that was originally submitted by, Al Willen. I changed it to include the ability to ‘CamelBack’ the text as option D. I just thought changing the text to caps on the first letter of every word and removing all spaces could be handy to some.”

To install

Download either the Macro Express 3 or Macro Express Pro version of the macro file and save it to your hard drive. Open the macro file or import the macro into your existing macro file by clicking File, Import, Import Macros.

Convert Highlighted Text (revised) – for Macro Express 3umconverthighlightedtext3revised.mex
Convert Highlighted Text (revised) – for Macro Express 5 and Macro Express Proumconverthighlightedtextrevised.mex

To use

Highlight some text and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ENTER. When the macro runs a menu appears that allows you to choose between ‘Mixed Case’, ‘Lower Cast’, ‘Upper Case’ and ‘Camel Case’. Make a choice and the text is converted.

How it works

Depending on your choice, this macro uses the ‘Variable Modify String Lowercase’ or Variable Modify String Uppercase’. The Mixed Case and Camel Case selections require a bit more effort. Al uses a nifty trick to change the first letter of each work to uppercase. He converts a space followed by a letter to a space followed by an uppercase letter. This simple solution works great.


This macro was modified from Doug’s original submission to use the term “Camel Case” instead of “Camel Back” because, based on an brief internet search, the former terminology seems to be more prevalent than the latter. You, of course, are free to modify the macro to use whichever term you prefer.

There are a number of names for this capitalization technique including BumpyCaps, BumpyCase, CamelBack, CamelCaps, CamelCase, CamelHump, CapitalizedWords, CapWords, ClCl, HumbBack, InterCaps, InternalCapitalization, LeadingCaps, NerdCaps, Pascal case, RollerCoasterCaps, WikiWord or Wikicase.


This macro will handle setting text to Mixed Case for computers configured for the English language. If your computer uses another language, you may want to edit the macro to support characters not found in the English language.


 – Macro Express 3 – use umconverthighlightedtext3revised.mex
– Macro Express 5 or Macro Express Pro – use umconverthighlightedtextrevised.mex