How Can We Help?
- After purchasing, where do I insert the license code?
- Can I install Macro Express Pro and Macro Express on the same PC?
- Can Macro Express be uninstalled without requiring a reboot?
- Do I really need to reboot when installing Macro Express or Macro Express Pro?
- Does Macro Express allow concurrent users to use the same file from a single network installation
- How do I run a Quiet or Silent Install for Macro Express 5?
- How do I run a Quiet or Silent Install for Macro Express Pro 6?
- How do I run a Silent Install for Macro Express 3?
- "Cannot edit the macro because the file is locked by another user."
- "Could not save the macro due to the following error: File access denied."
- Crash: "Invalid data type for MenusShowRecentItemsFirst
- Error: "The Macro Express Editor can only be run from the Macro Express Player"
- Error: "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive F:"
- How can I get my macros to run in Adobe Reader X?
- I can no longer use F10 to activate a macro.
- I cannot open the Macro Express - Explorer window.
- Can a script created with Macro Express Pro be run on Macro Express 3?
- Can I play back text in different fonts, sizes and colors?
- Can Macro Express read HTML or other text?
- Can Macro Express run a macro while logged off of the system?
- Can Macro Express run more than one macro at a time?
- Can Macro Express stop a Windows service?
- Can Macro Express type the ESC key?
- Clicking on the Taskbar icon to activate another window
- Count number of files in a folder and save to a variable
- Defining Variables in Macro Express Pro
- Do 99 variables limit me to files of up to 99 lines?
- How can I combine two string variables and place a CRLF between them?
- How can I display a prompt, save the data entered, and use it later?
- How can I display the contents of a variable on the screen?
- How do I access the system environmental variables such as %USERNAME%?
- How do I capture the title of a window and store the title in a variable?
- Can I not capture delays between keystrokes?
- Can I schedule a captured/recorded macro?
- Can Macro Express record Alt+Num Key combinations?
- Captured macro not working unless screen remains unchanged during playback
- How can I eliminate the capture delays to speed up the macro playback?
- How do I capture a macro, edit it to include an if/else loop, then continue recording?
- How do I change the speed of the macro after is is recorded?
- How do I re-record a macro without deleting it and starting over?
- Activating the correct Excel worksheet when multiple worksheets are open.
- Can I use ~ to activate a macro?
- Can Macro Express hide an application as a macro runs?
- Can meproc.exe be used for user workstations?
- Copy macro contents to display as shown in Script Editor
- Does Macro Express support macro subroutines?
- How can I replace all hard returns in a variable with something else like "<BR>"?
- How can I use Macro Express with Remote Desktop Connection?
- How can a macro determine the user's screen resolution?
- How can I be prompted to select a folder during macro playback?
- How can I convert my v5 .mex file back to Macro Express 3 format?
- How can I determine if a specific word is found in a text file?
- How can I determine the state of a checkbox or radio button?
- How can I get a macro to suspend to allow for keyboard input?
- How can I have a macro continue even if the web page does not load?
- How can I have Macro Express select an item from a drop-down list?
- Can a macro be activated by closing a program?
- Can a macro be activated by closing a specific window?
- Can I auto repeat keystrokes?
- Can I automate the ACCEPT key while running terminal emulation software?
- Can I create executable macros that do not require Macro Express installed on the computer?
- Can I have two macros run at the same time?
- Can I use the mouse wheel as a macro activation?
- Can Macro Express play back ctrl-alt-del?