Editor Menu - Edit


Modify Command - (Script Editor Only)

To modify a command already inserted into the script, highlight that command and do one of the following:


Click on Edit > Modify Command from the menu

Press Ctrl + M

Right click on the command and select Modify Command from the context menu

Double click on the command


Duplicate Command - (Script Editor Only)

Use this option to make a copy of a command or string of commands in the script.  This is essentially a one step method for copy and paste. Highlight one or more lines of the macro script and then do one of the following:


Click on the Duplicate  button

Click on Edit > Duplicate Command from the menu

Press CTRL + D


Comment - (Script Editor Only)

Insert a comment next to a line of script in the Editor. Highlight a line in the macro script and do one of the following to open the Comments edit box:


Click on the Insert Comments button

Click on Edit > Comment

Press Ctrl Alt C


Type any comments about the line in the script into the Comments box and click OK. The comments are inserted to the right of the command listed in the script.



Delete Command - (Script Editor Only)

To remove a command or commands from the script, highlight one or more lines and do one of the following:


Click on Edit > Delete Command from the menu

Right mouse click on the highlighted lines and left click on Delete Command from the context menu.

Press the Delete key on the keyboard



Enable/Disable - (Script Editor Only)

Rather than deleting a command from the script, sometimes it may be advisable to disable the command. A disabled line of the script does not run during macro playback. It is displayed with a red line through the text. 


Disable a command

To disable a command or commands highlight one or more lines of the macro script and do one of the following:


Click on the Disable  button

Click on Edit > Disable from the menu

Press CTRL + N


Enable a command

To enable a disabled command or commands, highlight the disabled line or lines in the macro script and do one of the following.


Click on the Enable  button

Click on Edit > Enable from the menu

Press CTRL + N






Standard Windows cut command. Removes the highlighted command from the script and saves it to the Windows clipboard.




Standard copy to Windows clipboard command. This copies a highlighted command in the script and saves to the clipboard.




Standard Paste from Windows clipboard. This pastes a command that was copied to the clipboard into the script.




This option removes the last change made to the script and restores the script to the way it was before the change was made.





Copy Command Text - (Script Editor Only)

Highlight one or more lines of the macro script. Then click on Edit > Copy Command Text. This option copies the lines of script to the Windows clipboard. Paste the script into another application and the contents are displayed shown in the Script Editor.


Typically the contents display in a macro format similar to the Direct Editor script when copying the script to the clipboard and pasting. Use the Copy Command Text function to display the contents exactly as they are shown in the Script Editor.



Add to Snippets 

Highlight one or more lines of the macro script. Click on Edit > Add to Snippets open a prompt to assign a name to the lines of code to save. Enter a name and click OK to save. The script lines are saved as a snippet which can easily be inserted into other macros.





Set Text Color - (Script Editor Only)

Highlight one or more lines of the macro script and click on Edit > Set Text Color. Select a text color and save. The text of the line or lines in the script are displayed in the selected color.



Set Background Color - (Script Editor Only)

Highlight one or more lines of the macro script and click on Edit > Set Background Color. Select a text color and save. The background of the line or lines in the script are displayed in the selected color.



Clear Colors - (Script Editor Only)

Select this option to remove any text colors or background colors of the highlighted lines.






Use the Find command to locate a key word in the text of the macro being modified. Click on Edit > Find or Ctrl F to activate the Find window as shown below. Type in the word or phrase to find and click the Find Next button or press Enter. The search scans the macro for a potential match. If one is found, the first item located is highlighted. If no match is found, a message displays indicating that no match was found.


The Find process starts from the location of the text cursor through the end of the text.





The drop down list contains the previous ten search items.



Find Again

Click on Edit > Find Again or press the F3 key to look for the next item that matches the search criteria as discussed above. Continue using the Find Again feature until a message displays advising that the entire replacement text has been searched and no more matches have been found.




Use this feature to quickly replace a word found in the macro with another. Click on Edit > Replace or Ctrl R to activate the Replace window as shown below.


Type in the word or phrase to replace in the box next to Find What.

Then input the replacement word or phrase in the box next to Replace With.

Click the Find Next button to begin a search. If a match is found, the word or phrase in the script is highlighted.

Click on Replace to just replace that one instance of a match. Or click Replace All to replace all matches found in the macro script.


The Replace process starts from the location of the text cursor through the end of the text. The drop down list contains the previous ten find or replace items.





Be advised that in addition to replacing editable text in the macro, the command structure text may also be replaced, which could possibly render the macro inoperable.



Goto Line - (Script Editor Only) 

This option prompts to input the number of the line in the script to be viewed or edited. This is handy for larger macros and is quicker than scrolling through the script.








Select All

Select All highlights the entire macro contents of either the macro script in the Script Editor or macro text in the Direct Editor.