Upgrade Policy


A license key is supplied when Macro Express is purchased. Please keep this key in a secure place as it will be needed if reinstalling Macro Express.


This license key is valid for any version 5.x of Macro Express . Future revisions that bear the "5.x" identifier version are generally for minor enhancements and bug-fixes. Any release containing major new functionality will bear a different version identifier (e.g., 6.x) and an upgrade fee will be chargeable.


The prime location for new releases of Macro Express is our web site download page at www.macros.com/download.htm.


If installing a newer version of the product, install it over top of the existing version (into the same folder). Close Macro Express completely before installing a new version.


üNote: Uninstalling and then reinstalling Macro Express does not affect the macro file(s). The macro file(s) remain intact. However, as always, we recommend backing up the macro (.mex) file(s) before uninstalling or reinstalling.