Menu Builder - Scope


The scope for a popup menu is similar to that of a macro. Assign the menu to only open in a specific window or program, in all windows or programs except for those chosen, or allow it to open in all applications. Floating menus always have a Global scope.







The global option allows the menu to open in any Windows application.


üNote: If opting to display the icon in the notification area, the scope is automatically Global. The icon in the notification area displays regardless of which program or window is open and behaves as a global macro. If a hot key is assigned to the popup menu, the hot key may be assigned to a scope.




Assume that a popup menu icon is assigned to display in the notification area. But a hot key (CTRL Q) is also assigned to the same popup menu. The scope is set to Program Specific and is to only work with Wordpad.


So if is Wordpad active and CTRL Q is pressed, the popup menu appears. Open notepad and nothing happens after pressing CTRL Q.


But it is still possible to left click on the icon in the notification area to open the menu. The menu is always global when clicking on the icon in the notification area.



Global Except

This option allows the menu to open in all Windows applications, except the program or window selected. More than one window or application may be listed.



Window/Program Specific

With this option, the menu opens only if the specific window or program selected is active. If the window or application is not active the menu does not open. 






These four buttons are only available when using the Window/Program Specific or Global Except scopes.



Highlight an entry made in the scope window and click on the Modify button. This allows for changes to the window or program previously selected.


Add Window

Click on the Add Window button to view all windows that are currently running on the computer. One tab lists all visible windows currently running and a second tab lists all windows running that are hidden. Hidden windows are not displayed when an application is running, but are still active.


If the window requested is currently running, scroll through the list and click on the title. The window name is placed in the Window Title edit field. If the window is not currently running, type the window name in the Window Title edit field.


Exact Match/Partial Match

The exact match option requires that the Window title match exactly before the menu opens. A partial match will only require part of the window title in order to work. For example, "notep" would be sufficient to find the "notepad" window.


The title contains wildcards

Select this option if a wildcard is included in the window title name. A wildcard uses the " * " or " ? " characters in the title to expand the possibilities of a match. These are similar to the wildcards used in Windows for searches.


A Window with this Title Must Be on Top

This option opens the menu only if the window is the current top-most window (the one that is showing on top of all other windows).


Include Hidden Windows in the Scope

By default the macro will only look for windows that are visible, not those that run hidden and are not seen by the user. Select this option to have the scope apply to the windows listed in the Hidden tab, as well as those that are visible.


After making a selection, click OK and the window is listed in the Scope tab. The process may be repeated to add additional windows if necessary.


Add Program

Click on the Add Program button to view all programs that are currently running on the computer. One tab displays the tree view of the programs in the Start Menu. The other tab displays a list of processes currently running. Scroll through the list or tree view and highlight the program to display the program name in the Executable Path edit box. If the program is not found in either tab, manually type the file name and path or click on the Browse button to find the file on the computer.


This Program Must Have a Window on Top

This option only opens the menu if the program is the current top-most program (the one that is showing on top of all other windows).


After making a selection, click OK and the program is listed in the Scope tab. The process may be repeated to add additional programs if necessary.



Highlight an entry made in the scope window and click on the Delete button. The scope entry previously made is removed.