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How do you terminate a macro while it is running?

There are several ways to do this.

  1. If you have selected to display the Running icon when a macro is running, right mouse click on the icon in the notification area to stop the macro.
  2. Or you may press the default shortcut of the Windows key plus the End key to stop the macro.
  3. Change the default to other combinations by going to Options | Preferences | Playback – Miscellaneous tab.

Any of these options will cancel a macro that is playing. Please note that macros that consist of a lot of keystrokes can send the keystrokes rather quickly and Windows will buffer up the keystrokes. Once such commands have been buffered up in Windows, aborting a macro will not cancel them. In these cases, it may appear that the abort command did not work when in reality the macro has already finished issuing its commands and Windows is now processing them.

– Applies to: Macro Express and Macro Express Pro