“Could not save the macro due to the following error: File access denied.”
1. Make sure that your macro file is not open by another program.
2. Make sure that your login has full security permissions for the folder where your macro file is located and for the macro file itself.
3. When you save a macro file the file is first saved to a temporary file in your TEMP folder. Then, if that save was successful, the temporary file is copied to replace the macro file. These temporary files are named ~macexp30.$$$, ~macexp30.$$1, ~macexp30.$$2, etc. The temporary files are not deleted but are left in your TEMP directory.
The TEMP directory varies from computer to computer so Macro Express asks Windows where the TEMP directory is located.
Check to see if the temporary macro files are being written in your TEMP directory and if the file’s date and time stamp is consistent with when you were trying to save changes to your macro file.
4. Make sure that you have the correct security permissions to write to files in the TEMP folder.
– Applies to: Macro Express 3